Contact us
Factory (office and production)
Kotimäentie 1
32210 Loimaa
tel. +358 10 843 7000 (opening hours 8.00 - 16.00)
Spare parts
Karsolantie 3
32210 Loimaa
Surface finishing and assembly
Vanhankirkontie 49
32210 Loimaa
Managing Director
Vesa Laineenkare
tel. +358 10 843 7010
Sales export
Mikko Saarikallio
tel. +358 10 843 7005
Sales (Finland)
Juha Erkkilä
tel. +358 10 843 7003
Sales (Norway, Sweden, Czech and Slovakia)
Jens Møller Christoffersen
tel. +45 28 96 34 22
Sales & Support (Denmark)
Peter Nielsen
tel. +45 60 53 22 54
Juho Perävainio
tel. +358 10 843 7025
Spare parts, service and warranty
tel. +358 10 843 7020
Enquiries concerning product manufacturing
Ilari Suonpää
tel. +358 10 843 7006
We are happy to hear from you!
If you have any inquiries, please contact us.